



Check your name in voter list published as on 05-01-2023

List of Forms-6,7,8 and 8A in format 9,10,11 and 11A received for addition/Deletion/Modification and transportation in  District Gurugram Assembly Constituencies in 2022

75-Pataudi Assembly  Constituency           List of Claims & Objection  during 01-11-2022 to 06-12-2022

  76-Badshahpur Assembly Constituency   List of Claims & Objection  during 01-11-2022 to 06-12-2022

77-Gurugram Assembly  Constituency      List of Claims & Objection  during 01-11-2022 to 06-12-2022

78-Sohna Assembly  Constituency             List of Claims & Objection  during 01-11-2022 to 06-12-2022


Handbook and Instructions regarding Election